30-Day Essentials for Career

Sale priceRs400.00

Many of us spend more of our waking hours at work than at any other activity in our day. Frequently, however, we find ourselves feeling dissatisfied with our careers, yearning to improve this most important aspect of our lives.

This book will help you gain clarity to make a change in your career. Special emphasis is given to assisting you to develop the attributes and mental skills necessary for breathing new life into your career, by showing you how to become a happier, more effective boss, manager, or employee.

Find, build, and sustain a successful career. These inspirational ideas are simple, effective ways to improve your working life. Discover the essentials of a satisfying career in just thirty days—one thought for each day of the month.

Featuring one inspiring piece of advice and one practical exercise per day, this is a useful and enjoyable guide for improving your working life now.

About the Author

Nayaswami Jyotish

Nayaswami Jyotish and Nayaswami Devi serve as living examples of spirituality and loving friendship. After serving closely with Swami Kriyananda for nearly fifty years, they continue to travel as a couple, serving dynamically—and when needed, virtually—all over the world, as global emissaries of the yoga master, Paramhansa Yogananda and his universal spiritual teachings of Self-realization. Yogananda is most known for his widely-acclaimed spiritual classic, Autobiography of a Yogi

Nayaswami Jyotish is the author of several books on meditation and related subjects, including How to Meditate and Lessons in Meditation, along with Thirty Day Essentials for Career and Thirty Day Essentials for Marriage. He also is the creator of Meditation Therapy™.

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