Change Your Magnetism, Change Your Life

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Success in every area depends on the strength and quality of your magnetism. Discover how to release the enormous energy latent within and direct it one-pointedly toward whatever you want to achieve.

Why change your magnetism? Broadly defined, magnetism is the power of attraction. Ordinary metal magnets attract other metal objects according to the power of the magnets. The stronger the magnet, the stronger the magnetism. Magnetism is not only a property of certain metals, however.  Applied to people, magnetism is an inner force which attracts people, things, and opportunities that are on the same “wavelength.”

A basic principle of magnetism is that “like attracts like.” We become like the people with whom we mingle, not through their conversation, but through the magnetic vibrations emanating from their bodies. The person whose magnetism is stronger gives his vibrations to the other.

There are as many different types of magnetism as there are people. Musicians have one kind of magnetism, financiers another, and scientists still another. We must first decide what kind of magnetism we want and then associate with those people who possess it. If we want to become artists, we should associate with talented artists. If we want to become good at business, we should associate with successful business people or leaders. If we want to become strong spiritually, we should associate with devotees of God.

Paramhansa Yogananda—the great spiritual teacher and author of the classic Autobiography of a Yogi—described spiritual magnetism as the “power of all powers,” and often counseled people, even those seeking material success, to concentrate first on developing spiritual magnetism. He said: “Develop power to attract the highest thing, then you can easily attract all lesser things.” When we have strong spiritual magnetism, we are able to attract whatever else we need: inspiration, money, the right job, a good living situation, or a compatible life partner.

Format: Paperback

Product Details

ISBN: 978-1-56589-307-8

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