"All Nature Sings Praises Aloud!" - Our Crow, Claudio

"All Nature Sings Praises Aloud!" - Our Crow, Claudio

At the end of our recent Rajarshi service day at Ananda Village, we meditated outside the “Village Green” outside Master’s Market. Part of my meditation included gazing at the beautiful blue sky. Like Paramhansa Yogananda's chant, a cloud formed, resembling a phoenix rising as if saying, “Change my darkness to Thy light, Lord.” At the same time, there seemed to be cloud angels chanting, “All nature sings praises aloud,” like Swami Kriyananda’s song, “Well Done, Lord!”

A few weeks later, another visitor from nature literally fell into our lives. Yogananda reminds us, “What comes of itself, let it come.” And so it did. A baby crow landed in our backyard. We don’t know why or how it happened—was he pushed from the nest, or did he fall?

Regardless of the reason, it was clear: we had to save his life. Other birds were scavenging him, and he was starving. We soon discovered how much love and attention a fledgling crow needs.

The first 36 hours were a battle for his life. We weren’t sure he would survive. We had to pry open his beak and feed him with a syringe. His will to live and strong spirit won the first battle. After about three days, he started eating and drinking regularly.

Yet he still had many scabs from being pecked almost to death. One eye was so covered in a scab that we thought he had lost it. But his triumphant spirit wasn’t deterred. A few days later, the scab fell off, revealing his hidden eye! We couldn’t believe it.

Why did we name him Claudio? How did we know he was an Italian crow? Next to him on the ground was some Caprese salad. Clearly, he liked Italian food.

As the days passed, he grew stronger and healthier. We would take him for walks around the neighborhood with him perched on our shoulders. What makes a baby innocent? It’s not its size but its inherent innocence and purity of consciousness.

So was Claudio. He was trusting, loving, and quite intelligent. He treated our dog, Kali, like his own mother. Kali, disarmed by this little bird, became conflicted between wanting to protect him and the instinct to pounce on him.

One afternoon, Claudio began opening and closing his beak. We weren’t sure what was wrong. After a few minutes, we realized he was in another struggle for his life. We tried to find an emergency vet. Dharmadevi held him and stroked his back. At that moment, he let out a final “Cawww,” a sweet cry, his way of saying, “All nature sings praises aloud.”

Dharmadevi thought he flew away, but his body fell to the floor. He had left his body and flown home on etheric wings.

A fledgling bird once flew out into the world. “Gain strength and wisdom,” its parents told it, “and what you acquire, share with others, even as we have shared with you. For you are a part of all that is.” –The Festival of Light

Claudio shared his strength of heart and soul with us. We felt privileged to care for him. He blessed us with sweetness, innocence, and the loving trust of a babe.

In tears, we buried him next to a Saint Francis statue and an oak tree in front of our home. New adventures await you, Claudio! Thank you for reminding us of our soul nature.

May we fly home and rejoice forever in His blissful presence!

In awe of God's Spirit in nature,

Nayaswami Narayan & Nayaswami Dharmadevi

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Exploring the Mysteries of Chanting
The Rabbi’s Advice




A sweet story and a sweet gift from Divine Mother. Thank you for sharing.



How wonderful for Claudio to have you as parents. He has been helped immensely on his evolutionary journey by your love. And you have been blessed by the opportunity to share in his innocence and trust.

Beth Quill

Beth Quill

Ok now I’m bawling. The sweet babe. Thankfully he had two loving parents during his final days. I used to cry every time I’d see a dead animal in the road. It helps me to think that their manner of passing somehow elevates their next incarnation.

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